Tuesday, May 25, 2010

UnderGround Sessionz: Pix from a Getuies gig in the MotherCity!

Word up underground hip hop headz!

Here are some recent pics of Getuies tearing up the stage at a Cape Town club..

Check it uit of trek jo jacket uit!

Monday, May 10, 2010

UnderGround Awareness: Nine (9) AIDS Activists Detained in Dar Es Salaam.!

[image source: Averting HIV&AIDS] www.avert.org/aids-picture.php?photo_id=3076
Nine (9) AIDS Activists were detained for questioning by Dar Es Salaam authorities at the World Economic Forum on Africa [WEF] in Tanzania last Thursday, 06[05]2010. The group were arrested after they handed over a memorandum on the need for increased investment in HIV, TB and Malaria in Africa, titled 'Health is Wealth', to two prominent speakers at the WEF.

A press release from the AIDS Rights Alliance of Southern Africa (ARASA), endorsed by the Treatment Action Campaign explains the situation:

"Yvonne Chaka Chaka, a popular South African musician and UN Goodwill Ambassador for the region, and Christoph Benn, the Director of External Relations for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, had arranged with the group to receive the memorandum from them outside the conference centre....
..."The small group had been delegated by 40 NGO representatives from more than ten African countries, who were gathered in Dar Es Salaam to discuss global and regional advocacy strategies to address the urgent need for resource mobilization for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care (universal access), and for replenishment of the Global Fund in October 2010...

...One such strategy included the submission of a memorandum to participants of the World Economic Forum, which outlined the concerns and demands of civil society organizations working on HIV and TB in response to the rapid backtracking of both donors and national governments on their commitments to funding universal access."

[image source: Now Public] www.nowpublic.com/health/world-aids-day-0

[the Truth is Oblivious!]

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

UnderGrounD cOnglomerate: The Rise of HitMason

One of the most ambitious missions that underground independent labels have to overcome, is entering a mainstream market that has been monopolized by major record labels since the birth of the SA hip hop industry.

These label's interests and money are mostly directed at commercial dumbed down hip hop, which leaves underground heads to market our sound through what has become known as the complex street hustle.

One way of overcoming the monotony of major record label marketing, is to form a conglomerate of record labels that fuses independent underground labels under one stable, which would inturn compete with the majors.

Though this concept has yet to be adopted at a rising rate, one such conglomerate would be HitMason, based in Cap City, JSec and Kimberly.

TUA caught up Tujay Harmoniques, reppin that HitMasonary. Check out this innerview right here.

tUa: What is HitMason and who are its affiliates?

HitMason: HitMason is a conglomerate of 4 companies that came together to form a super independent indie to compete in the same league as majors. These companies are 4SITE Muzik, Black Kampain, Embassy Music and Ruff Cuttz Entertainment. Our affiliates are CalmJoy (Durban), NBL (Pretoria) and Royal Swiss Cartel (MafTown).

tUa: What are some of HitMason's successes?

HitMason: Our artists TuJay Harmoniquez and Louis M Songz have appeared on Shiz Niz, with TuJay having had a feature article on the Hype Magazine. In November 2009, Krossword had an interview on Yfm’s show Airborne with the first single of the “Hustler’s Ambition” album having received some airtime on The Hip Hop Hot 9.9. In January 2010 we shot a music video for the main single of “Hustler’s Ambition”.

tUa: Which artists are gonna be releasing or have released for HM?

HitMason: In 2009 we released TuJay’s EP, Parental Guidance,In January we release Smash’s mixtape, One man army. In February we released Krossword’s mixtape, Warning Shots. In September we plan to release the “Hustler’s Ambition” album, other releases scheduled for release this year are; Rythmik X- Ruff Tease (mixtape), Krossword- Warning Shotz: RELOADED (mixtape), HarmoniqueSongz- Cap City, Rapsody, Krossword and Decency- (untitled collabo mixtape).

tUa: What happened between HM and one of your artists; Xcalibre?

HM: He had a problem with authority and our way of doing things and he decided to leave

tUa: How does an aspiring artist join HM?

HM: Members are strategically chosen as HitMason is a movement and every member has a specified role which is more than just music.

tUa: Whats the relationship between HM and underground hip hop?

HM: We provide the streets with a lot of quality music for free. We organize events and give a platform to other upcoming talent.

tUa: links for HM that users can check out?

HitMason: Look us up on facebook for links and exclusive info, HitMason Holdings. For more information and bookings: hitmasonholdings@gmail.com

In conclusion, .The concept of unifying underground independent labels to push marketing on a bigger scale has proven to be successful for HitMason. Hopefully all you underground headz out there will be inspired to do the same in your own kasi.
Peace 2 Tujay for the innerview.

[the Truth is Oblivious!]

Monday, April 26, 2010

UnderGround aRT!: Bief 37

So your walking through Ill City on a mission with your eyes wide open. For the last 4 blocks down Cambridge till Fleet street you notice something... On every other corner, roadsign and old ass building you see a GRAFFITI tag written in a style hard to decipher.. These mind boggling writings playback in your head while your feet find your destination. A coupla minutes later you stumble accross the illest/freshest throw up against a wall that makes you take our your phone to capture the moment.

THAT, my fellow underground heads, is the work of one Bief37 - from LifeForces, who cannot be fucked with in EC. This young GRAFFITI writer/ Graphic Design artist/ Hip Hop photographer, has been at the forfront of the BC (Buffalo City) hip hop arts seen since the 90's, running shit straight outta Phakamisa.

Check out some of his work..

UnderGround bOOTleg: Tujay Harmoniquez - U.R.L The Missing Link

Tujay drops something outta Cap City!

Click here to download.

Look out for an exclusive interview with Cap City record label HitMason.!!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010